Fusion the Inis Meain Knitting Company Project 5 years on: Employability Beyond the Metrics Ulster University Employability Conference 2017

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ABSTRACT: In 2012 I embarked on a role as an academic consultant with Inis Meáin knitting Company, as part of an initiative by IntertradeIrleand, a trade and business development body. This unique collaboration with the middle island of the group of Aran Islands located off the coast of Galway was to be the beginning of an ongoing relationship. While the outcomes of the initial project were diverse, and included new knitwear designs and markets based on the heritage textile craft on the island, the legacy of the project was unexpected. This article demonstrates the mutual benefits of long term, meaningful engagement between island SMEs and urban educational institutions. Over the next number of years I, like the writer J.M Synge, have continued to visit the island. ‘Returning’ to work with this island company developing designs, colour palettes, and visit interns. Student work following the placement experience will also be explored and evidence the impact that Inis Meáin has had on a community of practitioners.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 11 May 2017


  • knit, heritage, Aran islands, design, technology, education


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