Friels of Swatragh - Exploring Potential - Heritage Based Tourism Offering - InvestNI Innovation Voucher

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review


In the first instance the authors set the context and background to the project followed by a review of tourism generally in Northern Ireland and regionally. The report then provides a cultural and heritage audit of the site where Friel are situated along with the heritage around, for example, food and people in the context of the famine legacy to provide a potential focus for the experiential product offering. The report also suggests how digitisation and technology could enable an attractive tourism offering to be developed along with suggestions in terms of marketing. It is intended to present recommendations to develop a heritage-based visit offering, both indoors and outdoors, to satisfy the local and international tourist and education users.
Original languageEnglish
Commissioning bodyInvest Northern Ireland (Innovation Voucher)
Number of pages235
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 14 Oct 2020


  • InvestNI
  • Innovation Voucher
  • Heritage development
  • Cultural Development
  • tourism


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