Forecasted power generation profile of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Jayanta Mondol, Cillian Carr

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This paper aims to examine the forecasted future of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) power generation profile considering the expected energy demand and the various energy strategies in the individual Emirates. First, the key features of the UAE electricity sector are described and then the energy policies within the Emirates and the background to their implementation are discussed. The drivers for diversification in the electricity sector and the energy policies that are being currently implemented to achieve the low carbon generation targets are then explored. Following this, the UAE power demand profile is discussed and the potential impacts of the new nuclear, coal and solar power on the system are detailed. This study conveniently facilitates future discussions on the opportunities and challenges of the UAE’s energy transition for developers, electricity suppliers and national policy makers.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Ambient Energy
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 20 Oct 2019


  • Energy
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Power generation
  • Combined Cycle Gas Turbine
  • Renewable energy


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