Football and Physics, Wall of Questions: Impact of public art

Research output: Non-textual formArtefact


Focusing on the impact of public art on communities and places, Sander investigates the interface of football physics and art.

He developed artworks and strategies for a project that incorporates the function of the sports stadium, and recognizes the work and life of John Stewart Bell, a physicist from Northern Ireland, and the originator of Bell's theorem.

For the Olympia Leisure Centre and the National Football Stadium at Windsor Park in Belfast Ralf Sander suggested a community art project focusing on questions. He invited members of different communities to contribute pressing, unforgotten, new or never posed questions.
A selection of these questions are engraved in metal plates and form a collective archive of their status quo. These plates build one final art-piece at the entrance of the football stadium.
The consideration of the interface between football, physics, art and John Stewart Bell`s theorem, led to a 3D morphed football field in the shape of a Mobius Band, a surface with only one side and only one boundary.
A number of coloured arrows on the surface of a football field suggest different strategies. Due to the infinitive numbers of probabilities it is impossible to predict the outcome of a football game – but the attempt is permanently undertaken by football fans. The resulting paradox, which moves between a familiar view and pleasurable, anarchic change, requires creative engagement.
Football and Physics and the Wall of Questions is reaching a broader and art-unspecific audience and involves them in the creative process as co authors. The project uses the inspirational, challenging and informative value of art in open air as a starting point for the promotion and visualisation of quality research and focused education. This project is aiming to achieve impact through shared authorship, accessibility, inclusiveness and actively sharing of knowledge.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationNational Football Stadium at Windsor Park in Belfast
EditionCity Council Public Art
Size3 x 10m and 2,5x2,5x2,5m
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 15 Aug 2018


  • Public Art
  • Mobius Band
  • Bell`s theorem
  • Question
  • Sculpture
  • community arts
  • Fine Art
  • John Stewart Bell
  • Physics
  • science art
  • Football
  • City Council
  • Olympia Park


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