Flexible context aware interface for ambient assisted living

James McNaull, Juan Carlos Augusto, Maurice Mulvenna, PJ McCullagh

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

20 Citations (Scopus)


A Multi Agent System that provides a (cared for) person, the subject, with assistance and support through an Ambient Assisted Living Flexible Interface (AALFI) during the day while complementing the night time assistance offered by NOCTURNAL with feedback assistance, is presented. It has been tailored to the subject’s requirements profile and takes into account factors associated with the time of day; hence it attempts to overcome shortcomings of current Ambient Assisted Living Systems. The subject is provided with feedback that highlights important criteria such as quality of sleep during the night and possible breeches of safety during the day. This may help the subject carry out corrective measures and/or seek further assistance. AALFI provides tailored interaction that is either visual or auditory so that the subject is able to understand the interactions and this process is driven by a Multi-Agent System. User feedback gathered from a relevant user group through a workshop validated the ideas underpinning the research, the Multi-agent system and the adaptable interface.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-41
JournalHuman-Centric Computing and Information Sciences
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Feb 2014


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