Finding Strength in Your Vulnerability

Maura Conley, Mandy Frake, Aeron Haynie, Kieran Higgins, Hannah Mathers, Sue Moron-Garcia, Peggy Rupprecht, Peta Winters-Chang

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


In the SoTL community, we often grapple with feelings of vulnerability, marginalization, and imposter syndrome within the academy as we seem to constantly be urging the broader academic community to recognize and celebrate the invaluable contributions of those who do SoTL. Conversations regarding the merit of SoTL have taken place since before Boyer’s (1990) time – while we believe strongly that these conversations remain necessary, we seek to bring increasing visibility to those who engage IN the work of SoTL, recognizing that this work often renders one as feeling marginalized, overlooked within the institutional hierarchy, and, most perceptibly, feelings of vulnerability.

However, our collective experiences as practitioners have led us to recognise that these vulnerabilities can be reframed as sources of strength, providing a basis for resilience against an often harsh academic landscape (Loveless & Bodle, 2016). Those who engage with SoTL through their professional role or contribution embody the essence of scholarly courage, challenging prevailing norms and reshaping the landscape of higher education. Building on our own journeys documented in our forthcoming paper, we endeavour toour workshop will empower SoTL scholars to embrace their vulnerabilities and harness them as catalysts for growth and innovation as we, together explore what is possible (Hutchings, et., al., 2000).

This session will provide a supportive and confidential space for participants to explore and reflect, through guided discussions, reflective activities and shared narratives, on how to unpack and reframe their perceptions of vulnerability into valuable assets in personal and professional endeavors.

Key themes to be explored include the role of vulnerability in shaping teaching identities, navigating institutional challenges, and fostering authentic connections with students and colleagues. Participants will learn strategies for embracing vulnerability as a pathway to deeper self-awareness, enhanced collaboration and more impactful scholarship. By reframing vulnerability as a source of strength and weakness, participants will be empowered to cultivate resilience, authenticity and experimentation in their SoTL practice, and embrace the transformative power of their vulnerabilities.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 3 Jun 2024
EventInternational Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Annual Conference 2024: Recognising Impact and Reinvigorating Practice - French Lick Resort, French Lick, United States
Duration: 28 Oct 202431 Oct 2024
Conference number: 20


ConferenceInternational Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Annual Conference 2024
Abbreviated titleISSOTL24
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityFrench Lick
Internet address


  • scholarship of teaching and learning
  • teacher identity


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