Finding Brian Friel’s Ballybeg in County Donegal, Ireland

Research output: Other contribution


This project has attempted to unpick the pattern of the plays, and find clues to geographical locations, inspirations, atmospheres, and stories in Friel’s creative process. Where are Friel’s plays located? Physically, in the place called Ballybeg in County Donegal in Ireland, and mentally within the playwright’s thoughts, memories, and craft. Mapping a place may imply a geographical measuring and plotting. A map of roads and towns. But in this project, it refers more to mapping a sense of place and a writer’s creative process, and tracing Brian Friel’s inspirations and fictional plays with overlaps between the imagined and real worlds, places, and people.
Original languageEnglish
TypeFinding Brian Friel’s Ballybeg in County Donegal, Ireland
Media of outputonline
PublisherDonegal County Council
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished online - 1 Jan 2024


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