Fermentation of resistant starches: Influence of in vitro models on colon carcinogenesis

Caroline Faessler, Chris Gill, Eva Arrigoni, Ian Rowland, Renato Amado

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18 Citations (Scopus)


Resistant starch type 2 (RS2) and type 3 (RS3) containing preparations were digested using a batch (a) and a dynamic in vitro model (b). Furthermore, in vivo obtained indigestible fractions from ileostomy patients were used (c). Subsequently these samples were fermented with human feces with a batch and a dynamic in vitro method. The fermentation supernatants were used to treat CAC02 cells. Cytotoxicity, anti-genotoxicity against hydrogen peroxide (comet assay) and the effect on barrier function measured by trans-epithelial electrical resistance were determine. Dynamically fermented samples led to high cytotoxic activity, probably due to additional compounds added during in vitro fermentation. As a consequence only batch fermented samples were investigated further. Batch fermentation of RS resulted in an anti-genotoxic activity ranging from 9-30% decrease in DNA damage for all the samples, except for RS2-b. It is assumed that the changes in RS2 structures due to dynamic digestion resulted in a different fermentation profile not leading to any anti-genotoxic effect. Additionally, in vitro batch fermentation of RS caused an improvement in integrity across the intestinal barrier by approximately 22% for all the samples. We have demonstrated that batch in vitro fermentation of RS2 and RS3 preparations differently pre-digested are capable of inhibiting the initiation and promotion stage in colon carcinogenesis in vitro.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)85-92
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 2007


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