Facilitating Social Connectedness for People with Autism and Intellectual Disability Using an Interactive App

Mark Donnelly, Raymond Bond, Maurice Mulvenna, Laurence Taggart, Diane Hill, Pauline Fitzsimons, Suzanne Martin, Angela Hassiotis

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


This short paper describes the evolution of a smartphone application, which aims to offer support for individuals living with an intellectual disability. The JAM (Just-a-minute) App enables people with a cognitive disability, such as those with an intellectual disability and Autistic Spectrum Disorder to inform service providers that they need ‘Just A Minute’ to get themselves organised, e.g. counting money. The app offers a simple and intuitive service that supports users to become more socially connected to the society around them by eliciting empathic responses from other actors in society. This paper describes the original non-digital version of the technology before presenting the current app version. The paper reports the success of the app through use case reports of its real-world use. It concludes with a reflection on the current app status and outlines the investigators’ future plans to enrich the service with intelligent conversational interfaces (also known as chatbots).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication Proceedings of the 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI-2018)
EditorsRaymond Bond, Maurice Mulvenna, Jonathan Wallace, Michaela Black
Place of PublicationSwindon, UK
PublisherBCS Learning & Development Ltd
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 23 Jul 2018
Event32nd British Human Computer Interaction Conference - Church House, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Duration: 2 Jul 20186 Jul 2018


Conference32nd British Human Computer Interaction Conference
Abbreviated titleHCI
Country/TerritoryNorthern Ireland
Internet address


  • Mobile Design
  • Assistive Cognitive Design
  • Coversational Interfaces
  • intellectual disability
  • Autism spectrum disorders
  • chatbot


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