Eye Tracking the Visual Attention of Nurses Interpreting Simulated Vital Signs Scenarios: Mining Metrics to Discriminate Between Performance Level

Jonathan Currie, Raymond Bond, P. J. McCullagh, Pauline Black, Dewar Finlay, Aaron Peace

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Nurses welcome innovative training and assessment methods to effectively interpret physiological vital signs. The objective is to determine if eye-tracking technology can be used to develop biometrics for automatically predict the performance of nurses whilst they interact with computer-based simulations. 47 nurses were recruited, 36 nursing students (training group) and 11 coronary care nurses (qualified group). Each nurse interpreted five simulated vital signs scenarios whilst ‘thinking-aloud’. The participant’s visual attention (eye tracking metrics), verbalisation, heart rate, confidence level (1-10, 10=most confident) and cognitive load (NASA-TLX) were recorded during performance. Scenario performances were scored out of ten. Analysis was used to find patterns between the eye tracking metrics and performance score. Multiple linear regression was used to predict performance score using eye tracking metrics. The qualified group scored higher than the training group (6.851.5 vs. 4.591.61, p=
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)113-124
JournalIEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems
Issue number2
Early online date4 Oct 2017
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 30 Apr 2018


  • Eye tracking
  • eye gaze analytics
  • simulation based training in healthcare
  • human computer interaction
  • HCI
  • health informatics
  • sensor data
  • regression
  • vital signs
  • monitoring
  • bedside
  • nursing
  • intensive care unit


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