Experience of Home Monitoring of children with complex congenital heart disease during the COVID-19 pandemic-lessons learnt

Jonathan Gillender, Julie Mc Cullough, Rosie Browne, Marlene Sinclair, Brian McCrossan, Frank Casey

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Objective: The COVID-19 pandemic presented unique challenges to global healthcare. Face-to-face outpatient care was dramatically reduced. This study implemented a Remote Consultation (RC) service via mobile app (PEXIP) to monitor patients with major congenital heart disease.

Design: Study design was quasi-experimental and prospective.

Setting: RCs were carried out at a tertiary paediatric cardiology Centre in Northern Ireland.

Patients: Children with major congenital heart disease (CHD) aged 0-16years in Northern Ireland

Intervention: The intervention was a PEXIP enabled RC.

Outcome measures: Primary outcome measures included the number of attendances to hospital both initiated and avoided via RC. RCs were conducted by doctor and/or Cardiac specialist nurse, or by Specialist nurse alone (52% vs 48%)

Results: 32 patients enrolled; 3 were non-responders and a further 2 excluded. 201 RCs were delivered (mean = 7.4). There were 12 admissions to hospital resulting from the RC; the commonest indication was abnormal oxygen saturations (42%). 38 hospital attendances were avoided; predominantly related to infant feeding and medication advice (both 42%).

Conclusions: A significant number of unnecessary hospital attendances were avoided (n=38). Remote consultation technology proved a user friendly and valuable adjunct to the provision of ongoing specialist patient care in challenging circumstances. There was a reduction in parental anxiety and both parents and clinicians found this initiative beneficial to patient care. There was prompt identification of unwell children on RCs.
Original languageEnglish
JournalCardiology in the Young
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 7 Aug 2024


  • paediatric cardiology
  • remote consultation


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