Evaluation of biocatalysts for their efficient use and re-use in bioprocesses

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


Microbial cells and their derivatives can be employed in biosystems as economical and active biocatalysts to catalyse desired processes. Therefore, biocatalysts play a very important role in a system for the continuation and completion of a process in most desirable way. The performance of biocatalyst determines the rate and efficiency of the bioprocess and therefore, the selection of a suitable biocatalyst controls the overall yield in the process. However, the biocatalyst can be designed for the convenience of their use and then re-use for an economical process to run in a more practical way. The re-use of biocatalyst is important in several systems such as fermentations and bio-transformations.

In this presentation an evaluation of such strategically designed biocatalysts will be discussed, which were modified in our different research projects in microbial biotechnology, for applications in food, environment and pharmaceutical industries. According to suitability for a particular process, different designing strategies were employed, such as immobilization techniques like entrapment of microbial cells in four ways, and encapsulation of cells in two different ways. The performance of these purposely designed biocatalysts has been evaluated in batch and continuous fermentation systems and will be discussed in reference to their stability, and fermentation-efficiency of the process.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Nov 2019
EventAnnual Conference-Association of Microbiologists, and International Symposium on “Microbial Technologies in Sustainable Development of Energy, Environment, Agriculture and Health - Central University of Haryana Mahendragarh, India, Mahendragarh, India
Duration: 15 Nov 201918 Nov 2019


ConferenceAnnual Conference-Association of Microbiologists, and International Symposium on “Microbial Technologies in Sustainable Development of Energy, Environment, Agriculture and Health


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