Evaluating emergency obstetric care education and training in a remote, fragile region of Southeast Asia

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Background: Signal functions are a shortlist of key competencies set out by the World Health Organization to manage obstetric emergencies. Healthcare providers in low-to-middle income countries may lack these competencies. Education is key to reducing maternal mortality and achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3.

Objectives: To evaluate midwifery education within a medic training program, located in a remote region of Southeast
Asia. To identify if there are areas of potential enhancement to improve the management of obstetric emergencies.

Methods: This is an ethnographic study, utilizing a multi-methods approach. The current level of midwifery education is being assessed through documentary analysis and interviews with educators. Student experiences are being explored using focus groups, and a reflective field diary is providing insight into the lived experience of
postgraduate students. The full data set is being triangulated and analyzed using the READ approach.

Results: Preliminary results highlight the importance of aligning midwifery education and philosophy in the medic program. There is a key focus on practical learning, such as role-play and simulation, with the use of ‘humor’ suggested as a means to engage students. The optimization of technology to deliver midwifery education demonstrates a success in overcoming cultural and contextual factors, which has been paramount in responding to the current political situation and Covid-19 pandemic.

Conclusions: We anticipate the findings will facilitate the development of sustainable and culturally appropriate, educational
interventions that will enhance the education and training of medics at local, national, and international levels.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - 14 Jun 2023
Event33rd International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) Triennial Congress - Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center , Bali , Indonesia
Duration: 11 Jun 202314 Jun 2023


Conference33rd International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) Triennial Congress
Internet address

Bibliographical note

Abstract accepted for an oral presentation at the upcoming 33rd ICM Triennial Congress


  • maternal health
  • Southeast Asia
  • Education and training
  • Obstetric Labor Complications
  • Emergencies
  • student education
  • Health Occupations
  • health personnel
  • pregnancy
  • midwifery South-east Asia
  • midwife education


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