Purpose – This paper has the purpose of exploring the potential for entrepreneurship educationwithin veterinary medicine. It aims to examine some of the key themes in the entrepreneurshipeducation literature, discuss the make-up of the UK veterinary sector, consider veterinary curricularequirements and illustrate how entrepreneurship education can benefit veterinary students.Design/methodology/approach – The approach adopted by the authors includes a literaturereview, in-depth discussion and the development of hypotheses for further study.Findings – Entrepreneurship education has the potential to make a valuable contribution toveterinary medicine curricula. This is due to the fact that the majority of veterinary graduates willwork in or even own/co-own a veterinary business (i.e. a small veterinary practice) at some point intheir career. In this context, the authors illustrate how entrepreneurship education can enhanceboth employable and day one/year one skills. The high entry requirements for veterinaryprogrammes and the gender shift towards a predominantly female under- and postgraduatepopulation add further interesting dimensions to the paper and present possible avenues for furtherresearch.Research limitations/implications – This is a conceptual paper and it is fully recognised that theconcepts and hypotheses proposed need to be further developed and tested at the empirical level. Someinteresting avenues for future research that could contribute significantly to this field are alsoidentified.Originality/value – The paper highlights the potential value of incorporating entrepreneurshipeducation within veterinary curricula. It also identifies how such incorporation can enhance students’employable skills and deliver many of the skills included in veterinary medicine’s day one/year onecompetences’ agenda.Keywords Education, Veterinary medicine, Skills, United Kingdom, Entrepreneurialism
Original language | English |
Pages (from-to) | 607-623 |
Journal | Education + Training |
Volume | 52 |
Issue number | 8/9 |
DOIs | |
Publication status | Published (in print/issue) - 2010 |
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Corresponding author
Colette Henry can be contacted at: [email protected]
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