Enhancing early-stage leadership skills in new Nursing graduates using a rapid access Masters’ course: A feasibility study.

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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This research session relates to the conference theme of Educational Enhancement and specifically to assessing the impact of postgraduate learning on the development of leadership and resilience skills in new nurses. The session presents the findings from Phase One of a repeated measures design study looking at self-assessment by new nurse graduates of leadership and resilience skills within the first two weeks and at six months following rapid access to a Masters Level Nursing Programme which includes rotational placements and a three tier structure of clinical support.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished online - 20 Sept 2021
EventAdvance HE NET2021 - Virtual
Duration: 1 Sept 20213 Sept 2021


ConferenceAdvance HE NET2021
Internet address


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