Engaging the student voice in the cloud: Lessons learned from implementing a Student Voice Online Platform at Ulster University

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The aim of this case study presentation is to share the lessons learned from implementing an innovative cloud based, online platform called “UNITU” at Ulster University. Providers of UNITU platform claim that it helps universities to collect and analyse student feedback in real time and deliver faster improvements to the student experience. We empirically verified this claim in a survey-based pilot study and found some support. While involvement with the study was limited, some staff highlighted concerns around the use of anonymity by students in providing critical feedback. In this presentation, we make an empirically supported case for a cautious implementation of the UNITU and highlight the features that triggered anxiety and restlessness among staff. This case will be of interest to participants as the system is less well-known among UK universities and it offers insight into engaging student voice more responsively, in HE institutions.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 21 Apr 2021
EventLearning Teaching & Student Experience 2021 Conference - Online
Duration: 29 Jun 202130 Jun 2021


ConferenceLearning Teaching & Student Experience 2021 Conference
Abbreviated titleLTSE 2021
Internet address

Bibliographical note

This paper is co-authored by Amanda Mulholland, Student Voice Manager; Nicole Parkinson-Kelly, VP Education, Student Officer, UUSU; and Kirsty-Marie Kelly, Course Rep, UUBS.


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