Encouraging the adoption of technology facilitated learning (TFL): Communities of Practice as a possible solution?

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This descriptive account details a project conducted within UlsterUniversity Business School (UUBS) in relation to the developmentof a Community of Practice (CoP), designed to support staf in theimplementation of efective technology facilitated learning (TFL). Overrecent years it had become apparent that an informal community alreadyexisted across UUBS in relation to the uptake and adoption of variousaspects of TFL, hence this project sought to galvanise that progress and,further, formally develop this community for the benefit of staf andstudents. The aim was to begin to develop what would be an evolvingportfolio of support resources for staf that would in turn enhance thestudent learning experience. The project was facilitated by the CHERPDevelopment Fund 2013-14.The project team identified four areas of good practice (ePortfolios, Wimbavoice authoring/email, Turnitin/Grademark and Turning Point), currentlybeing used by key members in their learning and teaching (L&T) practice.The incorporation of these tools was designed to improve studentassessment and feedback experiences and further embed the UlsterPrinciples of Assessment and Feedback for Learning. Over two academicyears the project team gathered pedagogic evidence of the efectivenessand potential limitations of these tools. The data were used to developbest practice guides, related case studies and wiki how-to support pagesthat could assist other staf across the University in the implementation ofthe technologies. The overall aims of this project were:Perspectives on Pedagogy and Practiceuser friendly guides and wiki “how to” support in the use of TFL forassessment and feedback purposes;the adoption and uptake of various technologies for assessment andfeedback.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)75-87
JournalPerspectives on Practice and Pedagogy
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 1 Dec 2015


  • TFL
  • Communities of Practice
  • Assessment and Feedback


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