Embedding Enquiry-Based Learning in the First-Year Chemical Engineering Curriculum

E Ventura-Medina, L Lue, EPL Roberts, AA Garforth, R Holmes

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    This work describes the introduction and implementation of Enquiry-Based Learning in the first-year Chemical Engineering undergraduate curriculum at The University of Manchester. Changes to the undergraduate curriculum have been implemented as part of the curriculum review project. However, the main focus of this case-study is the use of Enquiry-Based Learning in the problem solving sessions that substitute for previous traditional tutorials. Problem solving sessions were carried out in a small group work format. Groups had eleven to twelve students each and a postgraduate facilitator for each session. Two-hour sessions were carried out three times a week using a mix of different types of problems: close-ended, open-ended and integrated. Problems were selected and designed to be as realistic as possible, integrating topics from different areas of knowledge. The problem solving sessions were introduced in September 2006 with a cohort of one-hundred and forty students. An evaluation of the new curriculum and in particular of the problem solving sessions was carried out through different strategies. The feedback from the evaluation has been very positive and suggested that although some improvements are needed, the problem solving sessions and the enquiry-based learning approach have been successful.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationCase Studies: CEEBL Supported Projects, 2006/7
    PublisherUniversity of Manchester
    ISBN (Print)13:978-0-9554815-1-2
    Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 2007


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