Electrical characterization of radio frequency discharges

CMO Mahony, PD Maguire, WG Graham

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Two electrical techniques that are frequently used to characterize radio frequency plasmas are described: current-voltage probes for plasma power input and compensated Langmuir probes for electron energy probability functions and other parameters. The following examples of the use of these techniques, sometimes in conjunction with other diagnostic methods, are presented: plasma source standardization, plasma system comparison, power efficiency, plasma modelling and complex processing plasma mechanisms.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S60-S67
JournalPlasma Sources Science and Technology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - May 2005

Bibliographical note

17th European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases, Constanta, ROMANIA, SEP 01-05, 2004


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