Effective Sport Psychology Consulting Relationships: Two Coach Case Studies

Lee-Ann Sharp, Ken Hodge

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the components necessary for the development of an effective applied sport psychology consulting relationship between a sport psychology consultant (SPC) and presented. Following purposeful sampling methods, members of two SPC-Coach consulting relationships (2 SPCs and 2 elite coaches) participated in individual interviews to discuss their perceptions of effective consulting relationships. Inductive \content analysis was conducted to search for common themes both within and across the two case studies (Weber, 1990). Three a coach. To address this purpose, two SPC-Coach consulting relationship case studies will be categories emerged with shared similarities between both case study relationships as important to the development of effective consulting relationships between SPCs and coaches; (a) SPC knowledge; (b) trust; and (c) friendship. In addition, two categories individual to each of the case study consulting relationships emerged; (d) SPC fitting in with team culture; and (e) flexibility.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)313-324
JournalThe Sport Psychologist
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Dec 2013

Bibliographical note

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  • consulting relationships
  • effectiveness
  • coaching
  • knowledge
  • trust


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