title = "Education in the Twent-First Century: Conflict, Reconstruction and Reconciliation",
abstract = "This paper is an attempt to map out an emerging, and increasingly important field of studyconcerning the relationship between education and conflict. The field has two main parameters. The first involves the variety of contexts within which education systems are required to operate. Distinctions are drawn between education that is provided within relatively peaceful and stable environments; during times of violent conflict; as part of reconstruction following conflict or political transition; and as part of longer term peace and reconciliation processes. Educational priorities and concerns may be quite different depending on each of these circumstances. The second parameter concerns different levels of action within an education system. These include the political and policy environment, administrative and structural features and various aspects of educational practice. The paper argues that actions through various {\textquoteleft}entry points{\textquoteright} at each of theselevels carry the potential to exacerbate or ameliorate conflict and suggests that a systemic analysis of investments in education systems from a conflict perspective should be a routine part of educational planning.",
keywords = "Education For All, Conflict, International development, Reconstruction, Reconciliation, Politics of Education, Governance",
author = "Alan Smith",
note = "Journal of the British Association for International and Comparative Education (BAICE) Reference text: Adwan, S. & Firer, R. (1999) The Narrative of the 1967 war in the Israeli and Palestinian History and Civics Textbooks and Curricula Statement (Braunschwieg, Eckert Institute). Allen, T. & Thomas, A. (2000) (Eds) Poverty and Development into the 21st Century (Oxford, Oxford University Press). Ballentine, K. & Sherman, J. (2003) (Eds) The Political Economy of Armed Conflict: Beyond Greed and Grievance (Boulder, CO, Lynne Reinner). Bardhan, P. (1997) {\textquoteleft}Method in the madness? A political economy analysis of the ethnic conflicts in less developed countries{\textquoteright}, World development, 25(9). Bar-Gal, Y. (1993) Boundaries as a topic in geographic education: the case of Israel, Political Geography, 12(5), 421–435, Available online at: http://geo.haifa.ac.il/,bargal/border.html (accessed 10 August 2005). Barton, K. C. & McCully, A. W. 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year = "2005",
language = "English",
volume = "35",
pages = "373--391",
journal = "Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education",
issn = "1469-3623",
publisher = "Taylor & Francis",
number = "4",