Education and Conflict. Think piece prepared for the Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2011 The Hidden Crisis Armed conflict and education

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The purpose of this paper was to identify aspects ofeducation and conflict that could be developed for the 2011 Eduction For All, Global Monitoring Report. The paper has three main parts. The first part identifies some issues around rationale and concepts related to education and conflict. The second part argues that to stand any chance of making a real impact on access to schooling in conflict affected countries we need to take the DAC Principles more seriously by applying context specific analysis and programmatic approaches in those conflict affected countries with the highest numbers of out of school children. This means more differentiation between different types of contemporary conflict and the challenges they pose; deeper analysis of contextual factors that prevent access to education; and an emphasis on effective strategies to address the impacts of conflict on education provision. The third part of the paper places an emphasis on the impacts of education (how it is provided, the values it transmits) on the dynamics of conflict. This section is therefore more concerned about quality of education and, from a conflict perspective, highlights the key role that education plays in identity formation which may make it potentially either an instrument for peaceful development or a means of reinforcing intolerance. The argument is that, from a peace-building and preventative point of view, we need to be aiming for ‘conflict-sensitive’ education systems.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages21
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Sept 2009

Bibliographical note

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  • EFA
  • education
  • conflict


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