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Mental ill health is prevalent, and citizens need more support to prevent mental ill health as well as supporting their treatment and management of their mental health and wellbeing. With traditional services being under pressure, there is a need for more research to investigate the use of digital technologies to support the mental health and wellbeing of people. However, we must also bear in mind that the implementation of digital technologies cannot solve all our problems. Nevertheless, digital technologies often come with benefits such as being somewhat sustainable, ubiquitous and being accessible 24/7. This conference attracted novel work involving digital mental health interventions, e.g. mental healthcare apps, chatbots, web apps, wearables, sensors, and virtual or augmented reality tools to support a person’s mental health and wellbeing. It also attracted data science, machine learning and AI research that is applied to the mental health domain - especially given the wealth of real-world mental health data that is available, which can provide new knowledge discoveries and insights. The conference featured keynotes and talks from leading academic researchers and service providers as well as clinicians working in this field.
Original languageEnglish
TypeEdited book of conference abstracts
PublisherUlster University
Number of pages111
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Oct 2024


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