This year’s Dissolving Boundaries research report focuses on teachers’ attitudes to collaboration and explores how successful collaboration occurs between partner schools. The literature on teachers’ conceptions of the purpose and nature of collaboration and the different levels of interaction in collaborative working arrangement is reviewed. We also examine the instruments that have been used to measure success of collaborative learning.While a consensus exists about the benefits of collaborative learning and much has been written on teachers’ perception of the changing role they occupy in such an environment, little is available on teachers’ conceptions of the nature, purpose and levels of interactionthat occur in collaborative learning environments, particularly among younger learners. We argue that it is not sufficient to assume that a teachers’ change of role to facilitation will provide a strong enough framework to ensure that class work moves beyond ‘shallow constructivism’. Our research focuses on teachers’ understanding of collaborative learning resulting from their experience in the Dissolving Boundaries programme.
Original language | English |
Publisher | Unknown Publisher |
Number of pages | 1 |
Publication status | Published (in print/issue) - 2007 |
Bibliographical note
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- Collaborative learning
- Teachers' perceptions
- Northern Ireland Republic of Ireland