Developing Skills in Creativity and Innovation Through New Product Design

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    Based on a review of economic theory and associated papers, the generally accepted five forces of national economic growth are identified. The fifth and most important of these is recognised as innovation, and through further analysis innovation is shown to be primarily dependant on creativity skills and new product (process or system) design. This is tied in with the second identified force which is improvement in the quality of labour through education, training and experience, and there is general acceptance that it is only in this area of education that government can exert any significant influence in a free market.The paper then describes the principles and practice underpinning a final year MEng module on Innovation, and outlines the radical and innovative approach taken to teaching and learning on this module through close collaboration with industry and through a largely student generated taught syllabus. The accompany conference presentation is an overview of an industry generated (client brief) team project which acts a vehicle for teaching and learning on the Innovation Module.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1-9
    JournalConnectED 2010 International Conference on Design Education
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 5 Nov 2010

    Bibliographical note

    Reference text: 1. Ray, Aaron. Invention, Innovation, Industrialisation and the Role of the State. NEH Seminar for School Teachers, 2008.
    2. “Armistice”; A television programme made by the BBC and broadcast on 11 November 2009
    3. McKeag, D., Transferring Creativity from the Arts and Design into Commercial Product Design, Proceedings of the ACUADS Conference, Adelaide, 2 October 2008 (CD),
    4. Schumpeter, Joseph A. Proven Models – invention innovation diffusion triology –; downloaded 23 Jan 2010.
    5. Schumpeter, Joseph. Cycles Research Institute, (1883-1950),; Downloaded 23 Jan 2010
    6. Kondratieff, Nikolai Dmyitriyevich. The Kondratieff Theory, (1892-1938),; Downloaded 23 Jan 2010
    7. On the process of growth and economic policy in developing countries; USAID; PPC Issue Paper No. 13; December 2005; PN-ADE-081
    8. Hines, R.James Jr., Three Sides of Harberger Triangles; NBER Working Paper no. 6852; December 1998
    9. Innovation Measurement: Tracking the state of innovation in the American economy; A report to the Secretary of Commerce by The Advisory Committee on Measuring Innovation in the 21st Century Economy; January 2008
    10. Everyday Economics: Innovation, Technological Change and the Economy; Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas; Downloaded on 23 Jan 2010.
    11. McKeag, Dennis. Improving Competitiveness by Adopting a Creative Approach to Product and Process Innovation; Proceedings of the CINet Conference, Brisbane, 4-8 Sept. 2009 (CD).
    12. Usher, A. P. (1954) A History of Mechanical Inventions, revised edition: Harvard College

    13. McKeag, D., Embedding Creativity and Innovation in the Engineering Curriculum, Proceedings of SEFI Annual Conference 2-5 July 2008, Aalborg, Denmark; paper 1260 (CD)

    14. Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy: Philosophy of Technology: First published on Friday 20th February, 2009;

    15. The History of The Fachhochschulen in Germany;


    • Economy
    • creativity
    • design
    • innovation
    • process
    • activity
    • key skills


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