Developing practice with health and social care professionals on smoking and pregnancy in Northern Ireland

Elaine O'Doherty, Karen Casson, Mary Black, Felicity Hasson, Maureen Griffith

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This paper describes Phases One and Two of a project on smoking, cessation in pregnancy: the process of reaching consensus and developing feasible, evidence-based guidelines. Phase Three of the project is piloting the guidelines, and Phase Four is ascertaining how women feel about use of the guidelines.The framework of nine key points is for use by any health and social care professional, and is being piloted in one health and social services board area in Northern Ireland. It is envisaged that the impact of the framework will becomplemented by local policy, and education and training on holistic approaches for professionals.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)297-307
JournalHealth Education Journal
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Dec 2000

Bibliographical note

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  • Smoking cessation
  • pregnancy
  • Northern Ireland


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