Design and Characterisation of Functional Materials for use in 3D Bio Printing

Matthew Wilson, Prosper Kanyong, BJ Meenan

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


Current research using three dimensional (3D) bio-printing for tissue engineering has focussed on characterising the shapes and structures of scaffolds that induce cellular growth. However progress in the are is limited due to the lack of printable biomaterials to enhance cellular activity or to induce cellular responses through external signalling such as temperature and electricity. This study addresses the properties and characteristics of functionalised materials that can be utilised in 3D scaffolds for tissue engineering.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2017
Event2nd Annual 3D printing & Bio-printing in Healthcare Conference - Holiday Inn Dusseldorf Airport-Ratingen, Dusseldorf, Germany
Duration: 12 Oct 201713 Oct 2017


Conference2nd Annual 3D printing & Bio-printing in Healthcare Conference


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