Design, Analysis and Testing of a Novel Mitral Valve for Transcatheter Implantation

Selim Bozkurt, Georgia L. Preston-Maher, Ryo Torii, Gaetano Burriesci

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Mitral regurgitation is a common mitral valve dysfunction which may lead to heart failure. Because of the rapid aging of the population, conventional surgical repair and replacement of the pathological valve are often unsuitable for about half of symptomatic patients, who are judged high-risk. Transcatheter valve implantation could represent an effective solution. However, currently available aortic valve devices are inapt for the mitral position. This paper presents the design, development and hydrodynamic assessment of a novel bi-leaflet mitral valve suitable for transcatheter implantation. The device consists of two leaflets and a sealing component made from bovine pericardium, supported by a self-expanding wireframe made from superelastic NiTi alloy. A parametric design procedure based on numerical simulations was implemented to identify design parameters providing acceptable stress levels and maximum coaptation area for the leaflets. The wireframe was designed to host the leaflets and was optimised numerically to minimise the stresses for crimping in an 8 mm sheath for percutaneous delivery. Prototypes were built and their hydrodynamic performances were tested on a cardiac pulse duplicator, in compliance with the ISO5840-3:2013 standard. The numerical results and hydrodynamic tests show the feasibility of the device to be adopted as a transcatheter valve implant for treating mitral regurgitation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1852-1864
Number of pages13
JournalAnnals of Biomedical Engineering
Issue number8
Early online date3 Apr 2017
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 1 Aug 2017

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This work was supported by the British Heart Foundation (PG/13/78/30400). Authors wish also to acknowledge Dr Benyamin Rahmani and Dr Michael Mullen for their assistance and advices, and Lithotech Medical for their support in the frames manufacturing. The authors do not have any conflict of interest to declare. Selim Bozkurt and Georgia L. Preston-Maher share first authorship.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2017, The Author(s).


  • Bioprosthetic bi-leaflet valve
  • Heart valve assessment
  • Heart valve development
  • Mitral valve
  • Transcatheter mitral valve implantation (TMVI)


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