DC discharge in low-pressure ethanol vapour

Jelena Sivoš, Dragana Marić, Nikola Škoro, Gordana Malović, Zoran Petrovic

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6 Citations (Scopus)


In this paper, we present data from experimental studies of the DC breakdown in ethanol vapour at low pressure as well as electrical and optical measurements of DC discharge parameters from low-current to high-current regimes. A Paschen curve and the corresponding distribution of emission intensities at low-current were recorded in the range of pd (pressure x electrode gap) from 0.10 Torr cm to 3.00 Torr cm, covering the region of Paschen minimum. Recorded axial profiles of emitted light from low-current discharge reveal that heavy particles make up a significant part in ethanol vapour breakdown in a wide range of values of pd i.e. E/N, for values E/N>3 kTd they become dominant. Also, we recorded volt–ampere characteristics at working conditions close to the minimum of the Paschen curve, together with spatial profiles of lowcurrent discharge. In the region of transition from normal to abnormal glow, sudden changes of the regime of operation were observed.
Original languageEnglish
Article number055011
Number of pages8
JournalPlasma Sources Science and Technology
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 21 May 2019


  • plasmas in liquids
  • electrical gas breakdown
  • DC discharges
  • volt– ampere characteristics
  • alcohol vapour


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