Dark Matter

Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


A body of work looking at ‘dark matter’, and space debris. This drawing installation attempts to present a series of theoretical but narrative spaces that convey the humour and irony of such scientific investigations into space.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Sept 2008
EventCamoflash Dissapearing in Art - Prager Spitze, Dresden, Germany
Duration: 1 Sept 2008 → …

Bibliographical note

CAMOUFLASH began as a artists' conference by the same name that was led by the polish artist and curator Marius Soltysik, in Lodz. The aim of the conference was for the artists create their art according to a given topic. The topic was schizophrenia of modern humanity: the dichotomy of being camouflaged yet also standing out within society. Curated by Anja Tabitha Rudolph
Mariusz Soltysik
Event (exhibition):
Outputmediatype: Installation


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