Derick Wilson

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

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    THE EMERGENCE OF THE DÚN LAOGHAIRE / RATHDOWN RESTORATIVE PRACTICES PROGRAMMEOUTPUTS:In the context of there being no strong teaching and research drive from RoI Universities, the different consulting individuals and diverse community partners did well in establishing an area of innovative and important practice in restorative practices in a society where not many central messages about the practice were being promoted by Government and other public bodies.OUTCOMES:There was a strand of practice developing from this period focused on a more systemic approach.ISSUES:In the absence of public universities accrediting educational courses the theme of the practice being publicly accredited in some manner emerged.RESTORATIVE PRACTICE CHALLENGESThe need to move the work away from addressing issues as being primarily ‘individual problems’ to seeking more ‘public remedies’ and system responses developed.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherDún Laoghaire/Rathdown Comenius Regio ‘Restorative Approaches’ Programme
    Number of pages81
    Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Jan 2012

    Bibliographical note

    DERICK WILSON is a Reader in Education specialising in community relations and restorative practices. He has been: a detached youth and community worker (70-73), a Principal Lecturer in Youth & Community Work (73-78); Director of the Corrymeela Reconciliation Centre (78-85) and then co-Director of a research and teaching programme’ Future Ways’ (1989-2006), developing organizational change programmes with public and voluntary agencies around the policy parameters of Equity, Diversity and Interdependence. These principles became the base principles for ‘A Shared Future’ Policy (OFMDFM, 2005). He was Assistant Director of the UNESCO Centre at UU. He chaired the Youth Committee for Northern Ireland (1987-89), established with others Mill Strand Integrated School (1987), was a founder Trustee of the Spirit of Enniskillen Award Scheme, an Equality Commissioner and, more recently a member of the pilot Victims and Survivors Forum (2009-2011). He has been a member of the Corrymeela Community since 1965. His D Phil (1994) was a study of how difficult and sensitive discussions in a society in conflict could be facilitated, based on his own practice and the practice of colleagues.
    Reference text: 1. Drewery, W. 2004, Restorative Practices for Schools: A Resource., 1st edn, School of Education, University of Waikato., Hamilton, N.Z.
    3.Flanagan, H., 2010, Restorative Approaches in Schools Guidance Document 1st edn, Lancashire County Council, Lancashire.; Hendry, R. 2009, Building and Restoring Respectful Relationships in Schools: A Guide to Restorative Practice, Routledge, London.; Hopkins, B. 2004, Just schools: a whole school approach to restorative justice, Jessica Kingsley, London.; Morrison, B. 2007, Restoring Safe School Communities-A whole school response to bullying, violence and alienation,Annandale, NSW.,The Federation Press. ;Braithwaite,V.,Ahmed, E., Morrison, B. & Reinhart, M. 2003, “Researching the Prospects for Restorative Justice Practice in Schools: The “Life at School Survey” 1996-99”; Cremin, H. 2007, Peer Mediation: Citizenship and social inclusion revisited, 1st edn, Open University Press., Buckingham.;Thorsborne, M and Vinegard, D (2004): 2004, Restorative Practices in Schools, 1st edn, Incentive Plus Publishing. Varnham, S. 2005, “Seeing things differently: restorative justice and school discipline”, Education and the Law, vol. 17, no. 3,
    pp. 87-104.
    4 Restorative is “the tendency to give new strength or vigour” (Jenkins, A., Shame, Realisation and Restitution - The Ethics of Restorative Practice, ANZFJT, Vol 27 Number 3 2006, pp153-162. “Making you feel strong, healthy, full of energy or happy again”.
    5 Hopkins, J., (2009) Just Care, - Restorative Approaches to Working with Children in Care, Jessica Kingsley Books.
    6 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/education/schools/nurture-groups-can-they-prevent-bad-behaviour-in-the-classroom.
    7 Wilson, Derick (2009) Platforms for a Restorative Society in Northern Ireland. Restorative Justice Organisation, 10pp http://www.restorativejustice.org/10fulltext/Platforms%20for%20a%2oRestorative%20Society%20Dec%2009.doc/view.
    8 ‘Journey to belonging’ in Weitekamp and Kerner, 2002, Willan Publishing. p23.
    9 Zehr, H.
    10 Eyben, Karin, Morrow, Duncan and Wilson, Derick (2002), The Equity, Diversity and Interdependence Framework: A Framework for Organisational Learning and Change. University of Ulster. 112pp ISBN ISBN 1-85923-160-8 Pp 25-31. See http://eprints.ulster.ac.uk/12598/
    12 Edwards, M. (2004 Civil Society, Cambridge: Polity Press
    13 Braithwaite, J ‘Institutionalising distrust, enculturating trust’ in V Braithwaite & M Levi (eds) Trust and Governance, New York, Russell Sage, 1998.
    14 See Restorative Justice and Civil Society, Strang and Braithwaite, CUP, 2001.
    15 Lederach, J.P. 2005. The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace. Oxford, MA: Oxford University Press, 2005.
    17. Chapman, T J. & Campbell, H. A. The Balanced Model of restorative Justice, University of Ulster.
    17.a Brian Steel, Scottish Government Presentation, UUC, 15 June 2011.Scottish Executive Positive Behaviour Team.
    18 Restorative Approaches in Schools (RAiS), Flanagan, H., Lancashire County Council, 2010.


    • Restorative Justice
    • Restorative Practices
    • Restorative Schools
    • Restorative Approaches
    • Whole School Approaches


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