
David Campbell, Mark Durden, Ian Brown

    Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


    COVET is a group exhibition that explores the rhetoric of display and the various systems, structures and methods of presentation. The exhibition scrutinizes the display objects application in within consumer culture, and its role in maintaining a desirability of the things around us.This exhibition brings together nine artists whose work disentangles the object from its framing device. When the mechanisms and techniques for staging the object are fore-grounded, the display object itself gets pushed to the background becoming secondary, obsolete and invisible. Its purpose is to generate desirability for other things, never for itself. By taking away or confiscating the objects of display, COVET concentrates instead on specific structural devices full of empty and unfulfilled promises. The primary function of display incorporating plinths, shelves and platforms, is to elevate, promote and show-off the consumable object. Through various media, including mass-produced goods, manufactured items, photography, video, installation and sculpture the works in COVET delve into our cultural investment into material goods. By focusing on the staging and restaging of the display apparatus, there is a new emphasis upon their entropic deficiencies and inherent failure to satisfy. This is an exhibition about exhibiting the void, the unsatisfied and the aesthetics of display. __COVET purports to open up a critique on the rhetoric of display that surrounds us and to stage a moment of collapse, failure and sublimated desire for the architectonics of consumer cultures.Curated by Suzanne Mooney. Exhibiting David Blamey, Peter Bobby, Common Culture, Anthony Gross, Greg Jones, Caroline McCarthy, Suzanne Mooney, Paul O’Neill, Savage.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 2009
    EventCOVET - Plan 9, Bristol
    Duration: 1 Jan 2009 → …

    Bibliographical note

    Reference text: 2009 David Trigg, Covet, Plan 9, Bristol. 23 October – 8 November 2009.
    Outputmediatype: DVD installation-'Common Culture's Book Launch'


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