Computer conferencing: does it motivate EFL students?

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This paper explores the results obtained from using a computer networkfor real-time synchronous discussion in a course for students of English asa Foreign Language. The authors found that computer conferencing (CC)had noticeable effects on their students' motivation for language learning.Three reasons for motivation emerged from the students' responses to asurvey: that CC provides an opportunity for 'real' communication andcommunity, that it improves personal confidence, and that it encouragesstudents to overcome writing apprehension. The article also reflects on therelationship these motives have with the intrinsic vs extrinsic motivationdistinction in education generally, and with the traditional instrumental vsintegrative classification of motivation in second language learning. Itsuggests that these motives may be able to contribute towards the supportof newer classifications that have recently been proposed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)270-279
JournalELT Journal
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Oct 1999


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