Common Objects Common Gestures

Adriana Ionascu, David Scott

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The subtle, intimate ways in which we all ‘make do’ with objects (as makers and as users) amount to and account for the objects’multiple histories and meanings.Our experience of using objects is situated in an elusive, subliminal, fluid and alterable territory that evades precise definition or classification.To some extent, the subjective relationships between people and things lies beyond the reach ofthe makers: how then do objects enter people’s waysof use and how and when (or to what end) are they used?
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)86-89
JournalCeramics Art and Perception
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 1 Jun 2007

Bibliographical note

Reference text: REFERENCES:
1. Fulton-Suri (2000) observes that objects are adapted,
extended and reused in flexibleways: “Human beings
have evolved with imagination and ability to create
andmake do.”
2. InMartinHeidegger’s existentialist view, things can be
used as tools.
3. Baudrillard, J. 1996. The SystemofObjects, tr. J. Benedict,
4. As Baudrillard says: the “systems of human behaviour
and [the] relationships that result therefrom”.
5. Bourriaud,N. 2001. Today’sArt Practice.Nicolas BourriaudConference.
6. Schouwenberg, L. 2004. ‘Familiar –Not so Familiar’, in
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7.Galloway (2005). The Studio Potter, vol. 33, no.2, June.
8. Kanjiro Kawai in Leach, B. (1940). A Potters Book, London:
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9. Cooper, E. 2005. ‘The Ordinary and the Extraordinary,
in Table Manners Catalogue, Table Manners Exhibition’,
Contemporary InternationalCeramics.CraftsCouncil.
10. As Bourdieu observes, “Form is first of all a matter of
rhythm,which implies expectations, pauses, restraints
It is the expression of a habitus of order; restraint and
proprietymay not be abdicated.”
11. Frederick suggests the metaphorical function for
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Essence of Pottery’, in The Art of African Clay:
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13. Bourdieu’s terms, in Bourdieu, P. 1984. Distinction: A
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Lefteri,C.2003. Ceramics.Materials for InspirationalDesign.
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  • everyday use
  • value system
  • body response
  • emotion


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