Commentary on Evie Hone's 'Modern Stained Glass in France and Holland,' Art Notes (1940)"

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review


This "Commentary" article accompanies the re-publication of Evie Hone's influential 1940 article on modern stained glass in France and the Netherlands in The Journal of Modern Craft, vol. 17, no. 2, July 2024, pp. 171-177. Hone's article looked at the modern revival of stained glass in Europe and looked closely at several major works by artists including Jean Barillet in Paris and Roland Holst in Utrecht. My "Commentary" precedes the re-published text and analyses and contextualises Hone's essay which has been out of print since the 1950s. It uses Hone's copy of the article and her unpublished notes from her archive as well as other archives in Dublin, London and Paris.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)159
Number of pages171
JournalJournal of Modern Craft
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 1 Oct 2024


  • modernism
  • abstraction
  • craft
  • stained glass
  • Women artists
  • avant-garde


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