Cloning and expression of genes enocoding antimicrobial peptides and bradykinin from the skin and brain of Oki Tago's brown frog, Rana tagoi okiensis

Shoro Tazato, J. Michael Conlon, Shawichi Iwamuro

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20 Citations (Scopus)


Previous studies led to the isolation from skin extracts of Oki Tago's brown frog, Rana tagoi okiensis of five antimicrobial peptides belonging to the brevinin-1 (brevinin-1TOa), temporin (temporin-TOa and -TOb), and ranatuerin-2 (ranatuerin-2TOa and -2TOb) families, and bradykinin (BK) identical to mammalian BK. Using the reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), we have now cloned from skin totalRNApreparations cDNAs encoding biosynthetic precursors of brevinin-1TOa and brevinin-1TOb (containing the substitution Gly1→Val), temporin-TOa and -TOb, and ranatuerin-2TOa and -2TOb. In addition, three cDNA clones encoding preprobradykinins were obtained that contained either one, two, or three tandem repeats of the sequence of BK followed by the sequence of [Thr6]-BK. In tissue expression analyses, preprobrevinin-1, preprotemporin, and preproranatuerin-2 gene transcripts were detected at higher levels in brain compared with peripheral tissues (heart, small intestine, kidney, liver lung, skeletal muscle, stomach, and testis). RT-PCR of brain RNA resulted in the amplification of cDNAs encoding ranatuerin-2TOc and ranatuerin-2TOd that contained the amino acid substitutions Lys6→Arg and Ala14→Thr, respectively compared with ranatuerin-2TOb. cDNAs encoding preprobrevinin-1TOa and preprotemporin-TOa were amplified from brain RNA as well as a second preprotemporin cDNA that contained a 10-nucleotide insertion that introduced a frame shift resulting in a premature stop codon. A cDNA encoding a novel peptide, DK25 (DVNDLKNLCAKTHNLLPMCAMFGKK) was amplified from brain RNA but neither DK25 nor its putative post-translationally modified form, DF22-amide (DVNDLKNLCAKTHNLLPMCAMF·NH2) displayed antimicrobial or hemolytic activities.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1480-1487
Number of pages8
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Aug 2010


  • Antimicrobial peptide
  • Bradykinin
  • Frog brain
  • Frog skin
  • Rana tagoi okiensis


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