Celebration of Excellence- Supporting Endangered Crafts: Handloom Linen Damask Weaving

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The HCA Red List of Endangered Crafts, published in 2017, was the first report of its kind to rank traditional crafts by the likelihood they would survive to the next generation, based on intangible cultural heritage safeguarding principles, led by the Heritage Crafts Association (HCA), the only UK UNESCO-accredited NGO working primarily in the domain of traditional craftsmanship. The list attracted extensive media coverage both in the UK and abroad, shining a spotlight on heritage crafts under threat from a number of identifiable issues. White was asked to contribute to the research publication of The Red List 2019 providing background information about Damask Linen Handloom Weaving, its history, techniques, local forms, as well as current information relating to the number of skilled craftspeople and trainees, and the ongoing viability of the craft. Each craft classified into one of four categories of endangerment.This initiative stimulated a collective debate and White was further invited to present a paper at The All-Party Group For Craft at Westminster Parliament, UK regarding her craft practice of Damask Linen Handloom Weaving and the importance of being attentive to cultural change, tacit skills. Led by the individual craftsperson who stood to benefit most from carrying this heritage with them, not for the sake of our past, but for the sake of its future. To augment and strengthen the craft enabling it to continue to adapt to survive. Alongside raising its public profile and bringing it into the public consciousness.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTen Years In The Making : Heritage Crafts Association
EditorsPatricia Lovett MBE., Daniel Carpenter
Place of PublicationUnited Kingdom
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 27 Feb 2021
EventAll-Party Parliamentary Group For Craft: Linen Damask Handloom Weaving - Westminster Parliament, London, United Kingdom
Duration: 12 Jan 202212 Jan 2022


OtherAll-Party Parliamentary Group For Craft
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • Traditional Crafts
  • All-Party Parliamentary Group For Craft
  • Red List Of Endangered Crafts
  • Heritage Crafts Award
  • Critically Endangered Craft Linen Damas Handloom Weaving
  • Handloom Linen Damask Weaving and Designing


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