Carrot fibre is the main determinant of increased satiety and decreased subsequent intakes when carrots are eaten as part of a mixed meal

Anne Moorhead, RW WELCH, Barbara Livingstone, M McCourt, AA Burns, A Dunne

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

51 Citations (Scopus)


Previous research indicates that vegetables yield relatively high satiety scores, and that fibre content and structure may both contribute to theseeffects. This study evaluated the effects of the fibre content and physical structure (gross anatomy and cell structure) of carrots on postprandialsatiety and subsequent food intakes when consumed as part of a mixed meal. Using a randomised, repeated-measures, within-subject cross-overdesign, young women consumed a standardised breakfast and test lunches on three occasions, 4 weeks apart. The test lunches (3329 kJ) comprisedboiled rice (200 g) with sweet and sour sauce (200 g) that included chicken (200 g) and carrots (200 g) in three conditions: whole carrots (fibre andstructure; n 34), blended carrots (fibre but no structure; n 34) or carrot nutrients (no fibre or structure; n 32). The carrot nutrients had the sameenergy, major nutrients and portion weight as the other two conditions. Post-lunch satiety was assessed by visual analogue scales. Intakes werecovertly weighed at a meal eaten ad libitum (3 h later), and for the remainder of the day using food diaries. Compared with the meal with carrotnutrients, meals with whole carrots and blended carrots resulted in significantly (P,0·05) higher satiety. There were significant (P,0·05) differencesbetween conditions in intakes at the meal eaten ad libitum and for the remainder of the day, and intakes consistently decreased in the order:carrot nutrients, blended carrots, whole carrots, indicating that both fibre content and structure played a role in these effects.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)587-595
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 2006


  • Satiety: Energy intake: Carrots: Fibre: Food structure


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