Capturing maturity of ICT applications in construction processes

Robert Eadie, Srinath Perera, George Heaney

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

18 Citations (Scopus)


Purpose – Two main types of models are used worldwide in consideration of the impact ofInformation Communication Technology (ICT) processes in construction: capability maturity models (CMM) and e-readiness models. The purpose of this paper is to review the structure behind the different models, their applicability to construction and indicate how organisations move between the levels in a CMM.Design/methodology/approach – This study investigates the literature behind eight e-readiness models and 53 CMMs.Findings – The findings indicate 88 per cent of maturity-based CMM models linked to five maturity levels, with the remainder using four. CMMs have common features: the process/application is described by maturity levels; Key Process Areas (KPA) provide the features to allow movement; and the levels are arranged and attained systematically, lowest to highest. Publication dates and trends indicate the rate of CMM publication is increasing (most in 2009), conversely, e-readiness models are not (most published in 2004).Practical implications – It is expected that the number of CMMs will increase; conversely,e-readiness models may not. E-readiness models have not been adopted by other industries and applications.However, CMMs, although initiated in software engineering, have progressed to incorporate constructionmodels which cover processes as diverse as financial management and documentation. This suggests that a CMM is more applicable for applications such as e-business in construction.Originality/value – The paper significantly expands that of Man in 2007 who listed 22 CMMmodels. This paper categorises a further 31 models and indicates construction applicability, combined with a review of e-readiness models for the first time.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)176-194
JournalJournal of Financial Management of Property and Construction
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 30 Jul 2012

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  • Information technology
  • Communication technologies
  • Construction industry
  • Capability maturity models
  • E-readiness models
  • ICT maturity
  • e-business


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