Can Design Care for people's frustrations and doubts?

Alison Gault, Sally Sutherland

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

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The question 'Can Design Care for people's frustrations and doubts? was one posed at the Does Design Care...?! Workshop in Chiba. The opportunity to explore the interdisciplinary nature of care and design, and the challenges and frustrations that can be the catalyst for change have been discussed in this 'head to head' often as designers we can feel thwarted and crushed when trying to design a solution for a specific problem. This can be for a range of reasons, often commercial and financially driven. Acknowledging 'messy uncertainty' and recognising that there is a value in the process and often an avoidance in reproducing the same designs can allow for an uneasy disruption and a change in the status quo. While we must embrace uncertainty we also need to build trust, trust of design, within design and in our designing.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDoes Design Care...?! Head to Head Debates
EditorsPaul Rodgers, Craig Bremner, Giovanni Innella
Place of PublicationLancaster
PublisherLancaster University
Number of pages14
ISBN (Print)978-1-86220-372-3
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 20 Jan 2020
EventDoes Design Care [2]...? - Chiba Univeristy, Chiba , Japan
Duration: 1 Jul 20193 Jul 2019


WorkshopDoes Design Care [2]...?
Abbreviated titleDDC2
Internet address


  • Design Care Trust frustrations doubts


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  • T is for Time to Trust

    Gault, A., 13 Nov 2019, An Illustrated* A to Z for the Design of Care. Rodgers, P., Bremner, C. & Innella, G. (eds.). Lancaster University, p. 80-81 118 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access

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