Briefing Document for Mini-Inquiry into Relationship and Sexuality Education Northern Ireland: Healthy Young Adult Relationships (HYAR) Education

Susan Lagdon, Julie-Ann Jordan

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report

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    This document provides a summary brief of two large research studies conducted in Northern Ireland which have focused on topics of violence and abuse. Following these studies, the researchers implemented the Healthy Young Adult Relationships (HYAR) Research Project which explored the needs of a diverse range of young people aged 16-20 years, parents/ carers of young people, and youth providers regarding education about HYAR including intimate partner violence (IPV) and coercive control. The HYAR project involved a cross-sector Research Oversight Group (ROG) made up of community and statutory stakeholders as well as involvement of young people as co-researchers. Reflecting on the available evidence and findings of the HYAR research, the team developed the HYAR intervention framework which outlines context specific requirements of future HYAR education.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 6 Nov 2024


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