Brian Friel's Ballybeg Virtual Map: An Exhibition Mapping The World Of Ballybeg, Co Donegal, As Imagined In The Plays Of Brian Friel.

Harriet Purkis (Curator)

Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


Welcome to this digital exhibition about the literary world of Brian Friel’s Ballybeg. One thing we know for sure is that the fictional town of Ballybeg is situated in County Donegal in the Northwest of Ireland. This exhibition makes connections between Ballybeg, as imagined in the plays of Brian Friel, with the real world of Donegal. The project aims to suggest interconnections between these two worlds as evidenced through the text of the plays and through Friel’s own words in his notebooks, diaries, interviews, articles, and programme notes.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLetterkenny Ireland
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished online - 1 Jan 2024

Bibliographical note

I come to this project not as a literary scholar, but as a social history curator. Because of my own personal curatorial perspective and practice in exhibition work, I focus on people’s own words as the main content and source of exhibition texts. Whether personal testimony, diaries or in this case written documents by Friel, people speak for themselves, in their own words. I sincerely hope Brian Friel’s voice directly communicates to you and comes through to you as you read his words throughout this exhibition.


  • Brian Friel
  • Donegal
  • Ballybeg
  • Literary Exhibition
  • Virtual Exhibition
  • Mapping literary inspiration


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