Brain Waves Evaluation of Sound Therapy in Chronic Subjective Tinnitus Cases Using Wavelet Decomposition

Abdoreza Asadpour, Mehran Jahed, Saeid Mahmoudian

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Management and treatment of subjective tinnitus is an ongoing focus of research activities. One of the most viable assessments of such treatment is the evaluation of brain activity in addition to patient response and clinical assessment. This study focuses on sound therapy and evaluation of patients’ electroencephalogram (EEG) in order to verify the potency of this approach. Broadband sound therapy was applied to nineteen participants aging from 25 to 64 and suffering from chronic subjective tinnitus to study the difference of brain activity, a) before fake treatment, b) after fake treatment and c) after the main treatment, using EEG and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for evaluating Residual Inhibition (RI). Four features were extracted using 4-level wavelet decomposition with Symlet 8 as its mother wavelet. For the “After the main treatment” stage, the mean value of wavelet coefficients for the last wavelet level, which corresponded to delta band of EEG, was lower in the FC3 channel based on Two-Sample T-Test with significance level of 0.01, as compared to the same channel of the “before the treatment” stage, for cases in which decreased tinnitus loudness were reported.
Original languageEnglish
Article number38
Pages (from-to)1-7
Number of pages7
JournalFrontiers in Integrative Neuroscience
Early online date19 Sept 2018
Publication statusPublished online - 19 Sept 2018


  • tinnitus
  • Electroen
  • Residual inhibition
  • visual analog scale
  • wavelet decomposition


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