Boolean Expressions: Contemporary Art and Mathematical data Exhibition and catalogue

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Exhibition and catalogue produced in association with the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science, UCC and George Boole 200, UCC. University College Cork, 2015

The catalogue Boolean Expressions: Contemporary art and mathematical data, was produced from an exhibition of the same name curated by Fiona Kearney to mark the bicentenary celebrations of mathematician George Boole, the first Professor of Mathematics at Queen's College Cork (UCC) under the banner of George Boole 200.
Boole’s logic gates play a crucial role in modern computing.

‘’Through an extensive programme of events, the life and works of George Boole was celebrated culminating with the establishment at the university of the George Boole legacy which will enable the ongoing celebration of George Boole and the long established tradition of world-class research in academic disciplines associated with him.

As part of the George Boole 200 celebrations at University College Cork, the Lewis Glucksman Gallery presented BOOLEAN EXPRESSIONS: Contemporary art and mathematical data, an exhibition that explores the ways in which artists use mathematical ideas and systems in their work. BOOLEAN EXPRESSIONS demonstrated the creative synergies between scientific and artistic thinking and invited audiences to explore mathematical concepts, the impact of big data on contemporary life, the ways in which systems and codes support creative production, and how artists have used logic and technology for their own artistic purposes. ‘’ Glucksman Gallery

Artists were selected for the show because of the way in which their work engages with these mathematical principals and included Darren Almond, Aram Bartholl, Mel Bochner, Hanne Darboven, John Gerrard, Sol LeWitt, Tatsuo Mijajima, Aisling O'Beirn, Matthew Ritchie, Lynne Woods Turner. O’Beirn was invited to make a work responding to Boole’s mathematical work for the show.

The catalogue features a forward by Michael Murphy, President, University College Cork, Boolean Expressions introduction by Fiona Kearney, curator
And or Not, essay by Brian Fay and Math Happens, essay by Lucy Dawe Lane

Extracts pertaining to O’Beirn’s work from the catalogue reproduced here by kind permission of the Glucksman Gallery.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBoolean Expressions
Subtitle of host publicationContemporary Art and Mathematical data
EditorsFiona Kearney
Place of PublicationCork
PublisherThe Glucksman, University College Cork
Pages28 - 29, 48 -49, 118 - 127 & 148 - 149
Number of pages16
ISBN (Print)978-1-906642-80-8
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 1 Nov 2015


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