
Daniel Shipsides, Neal Beggs

Research output: Non-textual formArtefact

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A video artwork from the Via Ferrata research project.Via Ferrata (Iron Way) developed during WW1, is a system aiding movement to gain the strategic mountain summits of the Alps/Dolomites. It exists as installed metal rungs and wires up otherwise inaccessible mountainsides.Using experiential and the poetically expanded possibilities of (it and the term) Via Ferrata the research pioneers field research (climbing Via Ferrata, making drawings, texts and lens based footage) with desk research (WW1 Italian Front in WW1, the development of Via Ferrata and the wider contexts of Modernism, Fascism, Futurism and Environmentalism within European history) and creative studio research. In this it aims to articulating a socio-phenomenological engagement with place.Bivacco is one of a series of related outcomes from the Via Ferrata research project and it closely relates to installations (Ulster Iron Way, Delawab, Belfast 2010), and exhibitions(Still not out of the woods, The Mac Belfast 2012), Graphic / text artworks (Every Metal Thing is Being Beckoned, Aliceday, Brussels 2011) and public art commissions (A fresh Via Ferrata… ACCA, Australia 2012).Bivacco develops an embodied methodology connecting it to a discursive context of climbing together (Shipsides and Beggs). Following the via ferrata route on Mt Marmolada and attaching a camera to the wire as we climb the artwork hinges on a close encounter with a lighting storm triggering creative responses and allowing poetic connections with history, society and culture.Funding:Expands new methodologies grounded in two AHRC awards (£52,000 and £44,000)ACCA (£5000)UU RIAD (£900+£1600)The MAC (£1500)Aliceday (£500)Outcome published:Invited + Commissioned (related new work): Desire Lines, ACCA, Australia (2012)Invited: Still Not Out of The Woods, The MAC, Belfast (2012)Invited: Vigil|Star, Aliceday Gallery, Brussels (2011)Invited: Bivacco|Star, Third Space, Belfast (2011) Invited: Death to Delawab Art Space, Belfast (2010)
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBrussels
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 19 Mar 2011
EventVigil | Star - Aliceday Gallery Brussels / Brussels, Belgium
Duration: 19 Mar 201119 Apr 2011

Bibliographical note

Event (exhibition): Bivacco | Star
Dan Shipsides / Shipsides and Beggs projects.
Solo exhibition comprising of work made developing the Via Ferrata research.
The Third Space Gallery, Belfast / Belfast, N. Ireland
28-10-2011 / 26-11-2011
Event (exhibition): Desire Lines
ACCA / Melbourne, Australia
14-12-2012 / 01-03-2013
Event (exhibition): Death to Delawab
After two years we decided to plan our own death. In order to give Delawab the glorious send off she deserves we hosted one final group exhibition ‘Death to Delawab’ which took place on the penultimate weekend in July 2010, opening Friday 23rd. For this exhibition we occupied both the inside and outside of the house with all manner of performance, events, installations and happenings and were hugely excited by the potential this show offers artists and visitors. As has occurred over the last two years a mixing of art and music scenes once again culminated for the last time in the combination of an opening and then later in the evening live music and dancing. The exhibition remained in the house for post opening reviewers and for documentation, opening on Monday 26th for 2 weeks.
Delawab Space / Belfast
23-07-2012 / 05-08-2012
Outputmediatype: HD Video


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  • DECIMATION in A-flat and F-minor

    Shipsides, D. (Artist) & Neal, B. (Artist), 16 Jun 2018

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

    Open Access

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