Being Fruity in the Big City: Re-membering the Past in Enrique Serna’s Fruta verde”

Niamh Thornton

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

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    Contents: Victoria Carpenter: Introduction: (Re)Collecting the Past - Peter Beardsell: Some Thoughts on Quantum Mechanics and the Treatment of the Past in Mexican Theatre - Victoria Carpenter: When Was Tomorrow? Manipulation of Time and Memory in the Works of Mexican Onda - Anna Reid: The Reworking of Conquest in Three Recent Mexican Novels - María de los Ángeles Rodríguez Cadena: Relajo and Melodrama in the Fictional Portrayal of the Mexican Independence of 1810 - Lloyd H. Davies: Tomás Eloy Martínez and the Literary Representation of Peronism: A Tale of Bifurcating Paths? - Niamh Thornton: Being Fruity in the Big City: Re-membering the Past in Enrique Serna’s Fruta verde - Dolores Flores-Silva: Re-Writing of History and Self-Representation inThe House on the Lagoon by Rosario Ferré - Amit Thakkar: One Rainy Market Day: ‘Integration’ and the Indigenous Community in the Fiction and Thought of Juan Rulfo - Audrey E. García: Mexican Immigration and Popular Culture in El corrido de Dante by Eduardo González Viana - María del Pilar Blanco: Technology and the Making of Memory in José Martí’s Exilic Writing - Silvia G. Kurlat Ares: Science Fiction Utopia as Political Constructio in Angélica Gorodischer.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication(Re)Collecting the Past: History and Collective Memory in Latin American Narrative
    EditorsVictoria Carpenter
    PublisherPeter Lang
    ISBN (Print)978-3-03911-928-8
    Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 2010


    • Bisexual
    • Enrique Serna
    • Frutas verdes
    • Mexico City
    • bildungsroman


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