The animation and VFX creative process is a labyrinthine riddle with unpredictable obstacles and dead ends. In a studio, a film is produced through the various collaborations between different talents with different backgrounds and disciplines. This paper investigates the gap in communication between the diverse talents in the animation studio, by exploring the gothic process as a historical design-oriented team-working models, to highlight the true nature of the animation process within the film industry and define whether it should be treated as an art or a craft.
Original language | English |
Number of pages | 10 |
Journal | Journal for Animation History and Theory |
Volume | 15 |
Publication status | Published (in print/issue) - 13 Sept 2020 |
Event | … And Yet It Moves! - University of Padova, Padova, Italy Duration: 3 Jul 2017 → 7 Jul 2017 |
- Animation
- Digital Film
- Visual Effects
- Creative Process
- Gothic
- Industry
- Adaption
- Craft
- Architecture
- History