BBC Radio Ulster: Public Service Radio in Northern Ireland’s Divided Society

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    BBC radio has been broadcast in Northern Ireland since shortly after the establishment of the country in the early 1920s. Throughout this period it has been faced by the challenge of how to deliver public service radio in a divided society, one that has for many years experienced violent conflict. Today as BBC Radio Ulster, the station has the highest audience reach of any BBC network radio service or those nations services in Scotland and Wales. This article outlines how BBC policy serves to deliver this performance, by examining a BBC Trust Service Review in relation to culture and diversity.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)144-163
    JournalJournal of Radio and Audio Media
    Issue number1
    Early online date4 May 2016
    Publication statusPublished online - 4 May 2016


    • Radio
    • Public Service Media
    • Public Service Broadcasting
    • BBC Radio Ulster
    • BBC Trust
    • Northern Ireland.


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