axial3d: a3dthree

Luke Donnelly (Developer), Justin Magee (Designer), S Wilson (Other)

Research output: Non-textual formSoftware

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This is one of several software packages developed by axial3d. a3dthree is a client-facing visualising platform incorporating bespoke editing tools. Its purpose is for pre-visualisation of digitally twinned 3D prints prior to production as part of the ordering procedure. This accelerates the material specification and decision-making process in respect of colour, print material and feature selection. The product interface controls lighting, camera set up and rendering parameters where the client can test final print materials for the product within the virtual environment. Real scale measurement tools allow measurement verification of the digital twin avoiding unexpected print scale errors, where time in a surgical procedure is crucial. A specific surface drawing tool is used to mark up the digital twin 3D surface for precise interactive discussion between the surgeon and those managing the printing process, where errors can be resolved (e.g. an imaging artefact on the print). The software has Machine Learning capability. Ulster staff were involved through the leadership of a KTP programme (KTP010763) described as the: Development of a 3D web-based visualisation system, for use by medical professionals, enabling realistic and accurate representation of anatomy at a pre-production stage. Dr Magee's role involved embedding Design Thinking methods, workshops and mentoring of improved user experience and visualisation guidance.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBelfast
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 21 Mar 2019


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  • axial3d Insight

    Harpur, A. (Developer), Haslam, N. (Developer), McGrath, S. (Developer), Fu Wu, S. (Developer), Morales Cantana, E. (Developer), Cooke, T. (Developer), Donnelly, L. (Developer), Magee, J. (Designer) & Wilson, S. (Other), 18 Jun 2018

    Research output: Non-textual formSoftware

    Open Access

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