With the global trend towards an increasingly ageing population, it is clear that nurses need to be equipped with the knowledge and skills to fulfil significant roles in responding to future health and support needs. This paper reports the results of a survey that aimed to identify and evaluate the attitudes of nurses, healthcare assistants, and nursing students towards older people. The survey was undertaken in a rural county in the Republic of Ireland. It is reassuring that in our study, we found that these healthcare workers hold positive attitudes towards older people. In addition, we found that study to a higher level at university appears to mitigate towards holding more positive attitudes, and this is an important finding in light of the shift towards nursing as an all-graduate profession. ,1 .2 and Siobhan O’Neill31Carndonagh Community Hospital, Donegal, Ireland2 School of Nursing, University of Ulster, Londonderry BT487JL, UK3Psychology Research Institute, University of Ulster, Northland Road, Londonderry BT487JL, UKCorrespondence should be addressed to Elizabeth A. Mitchell, [email protected] 9
Original language | English |
Journal | Nursing Research and Practice |
Volume | 2011 |
DOIs | |
Publication status | Published (in print/issue) - 9 May 2011 |
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- attitude
- ageism
- older adults
- healthcare workers
- nurses.